
The project ”Increasing school pupils' competence in the field of mathematics, natural and technical sciences with the application of innovative methods and technologies - EDUSCIENCE” is the largest innovative project implemented in Poland in the range of mathematical and natural sciences. It has been co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund.

Adhering to the project - we have strived to ensure that new methods of learning and teaching
lead to an increase in children and young people's interest in mathematics and natural sciences, information technology, and technical sciences as well as in foreign languages (so necessary in the today's world). We encourage school pupils to participate in the process of factual research, to observe the world around them, to independently ask questions and seek answers by applying research methods at their schools.

We know young people are open to technical innovations, to information technology, and enjoy making use of high-technology electronic equipment, so we provide them with state-of-the-art tools which they can use in their school work and in the development of their own personality. By involving specialists in modern teaching methods we are able to help students learn in an enjoyable and, above all, efficient manner.

In the project we have paid special attention to the issue of gender equality. By promoting the project in a gender-sensitive way, and also by conducting lessons and constructing the teaching curricula in a gender-sensitive way, we strive to increase girls' interest in mathematics and natural sciences as well as to provide them with equal access to them.

June 2014 saw the completion of testing the project at 250 educational units all over Poland. The testing took 2 years and covered all educational stages. It has enabled us to tailor the final product to users' expectations and at the same time has confirmed this is an effective and comprehensive product, a perfect tool to be applied in the increasingly changing and modern environment of Polish schools.

Project characteristics

Final product

Methodology of the project


Leader and partners

Full information on EDUSCIENCE project is available in the report.

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